Join us in Driving Relational Change in the Baton Rouge Region!
Establish yourself as a driver for good in your community!
raised towards $150,000 goal
Days Left
We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!
Establish yourself as a driver for good in your community!
We Are Walking, Hand in Hand, With Our Participants
2022 represents the opportunity for the Christian Outreach Center to establish itself as the premier homeless intervention service and ministry in our region. We stand at the precipice of full integration in our community and deeper connections to the people we serve.
When you support our work and mission, you directly alter the course of someone's life and make this dream a reality. You empower those experiencing homelessness and poverty to experience the fullness of their God-given talents and equip our team to do the work so desperately needed in the Baton Rouge area.
Make these things possible today making a contribution now!